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📰Stories that inspire

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  • OpenmindProjects at the APAC Digital Transformation Summit: Turning Challenges into Collaboration
    By: Arturo D'EliaFor the past year, I’ve channeled my passion for technology into volunteering with OpenmindProjects. I started by assisting at their Nong Khai center, gearing up for an exciting year ahead. Now, I continue to support new projects and opportunities within the field.Just back from the whirlwind Asia-Pacific Digital Transformation Summit held at Google Singapore’s […]
  • Anton’s Story: The Start of the Code the Future and OpenSkills Project
    Hi! I’m Anton, a 23 year old programmer from Sweden and I have been volunteering at OpenmindProjects since August 2022. This is my story.Code the Future started out with me applying for volunteering with OpenmindProjects. I found their website after, to my big surprise, many hours of researching and googling for programming/coding volunteering in Asia. (This […]
  • Volunteering as a Family: A Reciprocal Give and Receive
    This new year began with great enthusiasm towards our Openmind Projects and gratitude for the extraordinary fortune to have shared unforgettable moments with amazing volunteers. Thank you to all of you!Today we want to share the story of the Frederickson family, who decided to spend a few weeks of their trip in southeast Asia volunteering at […]
  • Karlijn’s Half Marathon Surpasses Expectations: Help Us Fund Internships for Students with…
    Karlijn’s Half Marathon Surpasses Expectations: Help Us Fund Internships for Students with Disabilities and Create Brighter Futures!🎉 Our fundraising campaign is just being kickstarted, and we’re proud to announce that our great volunteer, Karlijn from the Netherlands, ran a fundraising half marathon (21.1 KM), surpassing by far her own expectations!This helped raised funds to support internships […]
  • MEET our current volunteers: Anton, Imme & Matas!
    Since we are happy to be able to welcome them back after a long COVID-19 period, this week is entirely focused on our volunteers! Earlier this week, we already published a story about the Chang family (click here!), who was with us in November. They decided to come to Nong Khai and volunteer with the […]
  • Volunteering as a Family: Experiences of The Chang Family!
    We are pleased that since the summer, we have been able to accept an increasing number of volunteers. This is especially true now that we have resumed projects across Thailand! But over the past few weeks, we had the good fortune to have not just one, but four fantastic volunteers arrive all at once! We […]
  • International Day of Persons with Disabilities and Help with Restarting!
    International Day of Persons with Disabilities and Help Us Restarting!Today, December 3rd, is International Day of Persons with Disabilities.Now that we are well on our way in the process of recovering from the pandemic, one of our important projects is working with disabled students at a school in Nong Khai. This is important because disabled […]
  • Meet Rebecca, our first vo
    Meet Rebecca, our first volunteer back in Krabi!Mui, who lives Krabi, put in a lot of effort on both new and old projects during the Thai school holidays in October in order to (re)start teaching there; read more about these projects here. Now, a first volunteer spent two weeks of teaching in the South of Thailand. […]
  • Update: School of Disabled Students
    In previous blogs, we mentioned a project that has been running since this summer in our previous newsletter: teaching IT and English skills at the school for disabled students! Now that the new school year has started, we update you on the new curriculum!Program Before the school holidays, online volunteers were already teaching programming through […]
  • MEET volunteer Matas!
    Happy World Kindness Day! It is a day to express acts of kindness and spread this! In this light, we would like you to MEET Matas, who will be coming to Nong Khai in a few weeks to volunteer! Welcome Matas, we are excited to meet you!“Hello my name is Matas but you can call me […]

📰News Issue

📰Feature story

November 2022

Here in November:

– ‍2022 Top-Rated Charity

– New and Old Projects in Krabi
– Project: The School for Disabled Students
– Ongoing Development
– News from Thailand

Read on: What’s Going on November 2022

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  • Our Blogs

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October 2022

Restarting Projects:

– ‍Code the future
– Travel with Impact
– Meet our volunteers
– News from Thailand

Read on: What’s Going on October 2022

Meet volunteer Sasha from Israel​

Now I find myself in a magical place — Nong Khai. This is a small, beautiful city with amazing, very friendly and helpful people...