Gap Year Volunteer

Volunteer abroad on your Gap Year. Volunteer with us,a non-profit

Are you a student, just graduated? Volunteering on your gap year is a great learning opportunity for you and the local students you help!


We welcome students to volunteer with us on their gap year abroad. Volunteer,  teach, learn and gain academic credits!


Your Gap Year Volunteer Options

Teach English or IT skills to young students. Help us with social media, photos/videos. Excursion opportunities in your free time.


Study and learn. Teach and help others to learn. Make new friends. Have fun!

We agree with you what you can do, how you will help: teach, social media, fundraising, web design/development or you have another idea, tell us!


Gain new experiences and friends, teach and learn with us.

Go overseas to volunteer on your gap year. Go to Thailand. Soon we open volunteering again after Covid in Laos, or Cambodia or Nepal. You will teach but you  will learn much too as our gap year volunteer.

Open your mind, volunteer with us OpenmindProjects, a non-profit. We support underprivileged young people.


Contact us. Talk about what you can do as our volunteer!


As our Gap Year Volunteers you will get our Volunteer Handbook, with teach, travel, culture and more advice. And we are happy to talk to you online anytime!


Read about  Teaching English

Watch   Teach the fun, role play way


For flights and travel information, check Openmind Travel


Volunteer at schools, camps, in towns, villages, mountains, by the sea.

And, tell your friends to volunteer with you and  about your adventure.

Reach out on social media, make a blog.

Bring back new skills, friends and memories.

Your gap year abroad experience can make your CV stand out!  As a student volunteer you will gain new skills, make friends and have an amazing time, while you support the local people we help!

Contact us. Happy to talk to you about your gap year volunteer options.


Gap Year Volunteer Opportunities

How we help our gap year students to volunteer

Before you go, we help you with predeparture Information, talks, discussions online. We prepare  your volunteer adventure with your local project. We help you with accommodation. We send you a Volunteer Handbook with teaching, travel, volunteer and more advice.

Once you arrived, we introduce you to your volunteer project, local friends and tasks. Meet teachers and students. We support you during your volunteering and work with you.  We and your new friends can suggest amazing free time activities, some we may do together.

When you finished, we send you  a Volunteer Certificate or Letter of Reference, if you wish. Or an Internship Report. We  stay in touch with you, via social media and email anytime you want to contact us.

Join We love OpenmindProjects on Facebook. It was created by our energetic and happy local student campers!


What you can do as our gap year volunteer

We agree on your work depending on your skills and interests.

You can Teach English, practice conversation in Role-Plays.  You don’t have to be a teacher. Teach IT and to search the internet.

Help your students make and share presentations, videos in English with friends and online, with their and your friends!

Read about Teaching IT

Teach Coding, help disabled students to future IT jobs.


Join a future Camp.  Overseas volunteers and local campers loved our Learning Camps before Covid and we want to restart them with volunteer and funding help. 

Watch our OMP Camps.


Let’s talk volunteering,  discuss your options as a gap year volunteer and student to make sure you will have a great volunteer time.   

Contact us!


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