OpenmindProjects in Media

Mew Suppasit Birthday Projects: Fundraising to support OpenmindProjects

Riot Games Social Impact Fund: Dawnbringer Karma – Choose a Charity
CNN Be the Change Initiative. OpenmindProjects is one of the organizations recommended.

UNESCO Bangkok recognized OpenmindProjects IT learning initiatives in Thailand.


About a Minimalist Approach to Computer Learning in 3rd World Villages.

Going Ethno in Isan, by Sven Mauleon.
Lessons Learned In IT Training, OpenmindProjects Experiences.
Teaching Teachers To Work As A Team, about team teaching with Openmind Projects.

Goteborgs Posten – Mission in Thailand.  

IT recognition: The Stockholm Challenge. OpenmindProjects was invited to Sweden as a finalist in the international Stockholm Challenge ICT for Development. 


WORKING & VOLUNTEERING Highlights things to do in Nong Khai, Thailand.


ScandAsia –  Help Making The World Less Unequal. Interview with Sven Mauleon. 

 The Little Big Project Thailand. An International Volunteer Campaign and Competition arranged by the Tourism Authority of Thailand. With over half a million votes, OpenmindProjects won USD $5,000 and donated the money to saving endangered sea turtles.
 Yale University. HORIZON INTERNATIONAL SOLUTIONS: OpenmindProjects of Southeast Asia: “Learning for Life, Nature and Future.
 Phuket Duo Wins Tourism Thailand Competition. Responsible eco-tourism and marine conservation with OpenmindProjects team.
New Tourism Opportunities For Laos – by Sven Mauleon.
 Volunteers on Vacation with OpenmindProjects.

Eco-friendly Travel with Openmind Projects.

Volunteer in Laos with OpenmindProjects.