Registered Nonprofit: 2526/2 Thailand EST. 2001

Volunteer in Thailand. Volunteer in the Northeast of Thailand

About Volunteering in Northeast Thailand


Volunteer with an NGO on the border to Laos by the Mekong River

This is where OpenmindProjects started as an NGO, charity, to help poor and disabled students at public, village and temple schools. We wanted to teach less privileged students, and invited volunteers to help in a truly rewarding experience. Our volunteers get a unique chance to get immersed in this local Thai and Lao local culture.

Our volunteers  here, teach English, IT skills and also help us with social media, webwork and fundraising.


Why Volunteer with OpenmindProjects in Northeast Thailand

Make a difference in the local community and teach their children. Experience the hospitality and traditions of this mixed Thai and Lao culture. Make friends with local people, and volunteers. Learn some local language together with us, students and teachers. Unique personal development with an NGO as a volunteer.


Our Support for Volunteers in Northeast Thailand, called Isaan

We help you as our volunteer before you travel and when you arrive and volunteer.  We send a Volunteer Handbook with volunteer, teaching, culture and other information and can help you with visa support and travel advice before you go and we suggest suitable accommodation, our own place and other options too.

And we are very happy to show and tell you about this part of the unseen Thailand!

Volunteer Work in Northeast Thailand

Volunteer with us. Send us a short resume to discuss how you can best help!

Read about:

Teaching English

IT training


Teach the fun, role play way

Practical, sporty volunteers are popular. Play games and balls. Learn local sports! 


Some Tips to our Volunteers in Northeast Thailand

Be Openminded, flexible and adapt to local life in the Northeast, similar to Laos culture. Build relations. Connect with local people, teachers and students, who speak Isaan at home and Thai at school, and you will gain many local Thai and Lao culture insights. Learn some Thai. It will help you make friends, learn about their culture and communicate with students.  We help you.

Make sure to document your experience. Make a blog, videos to share your volunteer experience with the world. And we will help you share it!


Why Thai students find learning English boring

Students learn English by heart. They memorize vocab and grammar rules and find this boring. They don’t practice speaking English. 


So, help students Learn by Doing instead

Motivate your students, make them more confident to speak.

When local  people look for a job, especially in the tourism sector, they realize that the better their English, the better the pay.  And they learn English when they speak English with foreigners.  

Our volunteers are much appreciated. You practice learning by doing English in conversations, role plays, games, songs, and sports.

Volunteers also help students learn to use computers, to use the internet to learn English and about the world. Some volunteers help students to learn coding.

Volunteer can help students learn about interesting  topics to share online and discuss with you and friends. 


You  don’t have to be a teacher to volunteer with us

You provide motivation and confidence and you help students speak English,  practice listen and speak.


We send you a very useful Volunteer Handbook

It is about volunteer work, teaching, culture,  some language and more.

When you arrive we welcome and  introduce you  to your volunteering, schools, students, and  teachers.

Welcome to volunteer with us at OpenmindProjects, an NGO and Charity!

Apply. Tell us about yourself. Book a time to chat with us to learn about your volunteering with OpenmindProjects and  Northeast Thailand. Welcome!

Volunteers’ free time opportunities in Northeast Thailand

Go swimming near our place, go gyming. Walk, eat and drink along the Mekong river and visit the Indochinese Tha Sadet Market.

Drive along the famous and beautiful Mekong River.

Climb the Phu Tok Mountain, a very scary walk east of NongKhai,according to the National Geographic.

Visit the amazing Sala Keow Khu, the Giant Buddha Park in Nongkhai.

Go boating on the Million Water Lilies Lake

Watch the mysterious Naga Fireballs rising up from the Mekong in October. 

Cross the Mekong River and visit Laos!

We help you enjoy your free time in Northeast Thailand when you Apply.

Book a time to chat. Learn about your volunteer options in Northeast Thailand.


Meet some Openmind friends

Meet our cofounder Gaweechat. Meet sister Kai. Meet Neorn and WinWin, our youngest Openminders. They have learned English with volunteers and can help you learn Thai. Meet hostess Orawan. Enjoy her dinners cooked by her and Kai! Meet other volunteers. They canwill tell you more about Northeast Thailand where people speak Lao and farming is the main livelihood, but young people must head south or abroad to find a job!


Photo Gallery

Volunteer in Thailand, Northeast Thailand