Career break as a professional volunteer abroad
Professional Volunteer on a Career Break Holiday Abroad
Are you going on a career break holiday in Asia as a professional volunteer, a break from your job?
Volunteer some of your time with us and help local, young people with us, an NGO.
Volunteering abroad with OpenmindProjects an NGO,charity, means a different career break. A special sabbatical abroad volunteer experience!
Working, professional volunteers, go abroad to teach and take a career break with us. Volunteer with an NGO, charity.
Professional volunteering with an NGO is different and affordable, not like volunteering with a travel/volunteer agency.
Take time off to volunteer on your career break holiday!
Our professional volunteer helps local people together. We organize your career break, help you, meet, train and work with you!
Most volunteers teach English or IT to young students. We send you a Volunteer Handbook with much volunteer advice. Many volunteers also help our NGO with social media and fundraising.
Read about
Learn English the fun, role play way
A career break holiday with an NGO opens you mind.
IT adds a unique touch as a professional volunteer to your CV.

Tips for the professional volunteer on career break holidays with OpenmindProjects.
Explore a new world. Learn many things together with your new friends, about their culture, how they live and work.
Learn how as a professional volunteer with your skills can volunteer to help less privileged children! Use your skills and energy to support less privileged young people.
Return home refreshed, inspired with new perspectives. Make the most of your volunteering on your career break.
Tell your friends. Write a blog about your volunteer experience. We are happy to share it!

A career break as a professional volunteer, make it your own volunteer holiday!
Your career break abroad, your volunteer experience, depends on us all, you, the friends you make and us together.
You will learn much yourself too with your new friends when you teach English or IT skills to village, disabled and other students.
You work, teach, and learn together with teachers, schoolchildren and us at OpenmindProjects!
Read about Career Break Volunteer Ray from Italy.
Contact us to discuss
your volunteer career break holiday.