Why Support Us

Leading Experience

OpenMind Projects is a local organization that has over 20 years' extensive knowledge and experience working in innovative solutions for the needs of our students. With our "learning by doing" approach, we ensure the continuity of our projects by providing a dedicated volunteer network. Additionally, students who join our projects are given prior training and encouraged to collaborate, which helps to build their knowledge, particularly in regards to the technology devices required for the successful completion of the project. Finally, we can count on the support and collaboration from international volunteers, skilled individuals, connections with other NGOs, and large companies.

OpenmindProjects team, volunteers, and advisors have collective experience in education, youth development and EdTech solutions from leading institutions and tech companies.

Our Plan

Code The Future
The openskills projects - code the future roadmap

Code the Future is a pilot program focusing on providing students with physical disabilities with basic coding and web development skills. Furthermore, it will aim to improve their self-learning skills to become independent learners and learn online. It will run for 2 years at the vocational college for students with disabilities in NongKhai. This proposal outlines the OpenSkills programming training “Code the Future” that aims to help students achieve their learning goals in coding and web development. By focusing on programming skills, the training aims to equip students with in-demand, employable and transferable skills that will enable them to succeed in a variety of IT jobs. Learn more: OpenSkills.Dev

Train The Trainer (TTT)

Train the Trainer (TTT) program will provide at least 40 students with physical disabilities the opportunity to gain the necessary skills and tools they need to become successful trainers.