2023 Top-Rated Award|Coming to Google Asia–Pacific HQ
OpenmindProjects Foundation OpenmindProjects Foundation
Learning for Life, Nature and Future
Seasons Greetings from OpenmindProjects and Thailand!

Swassdee (Hello),

We hope you are doing well wherever you are today. We're excited to share some good news with you!

OpenmindProjects Foundation has been selected as a participant in the APAC NGO Digital Transformation Program hosted by the InfoExchange, made possible with support from Google. We are honored to be attending the Digital Transformation Summit at the Google Asia–Pacific HQ in Singapore in June 2024.


It's official! We have been honored with a Top-Rated Award for 2023 from GreatNonprofits! We are incredibly grateful for your contributions, which made this recognition possible.

Good things are coming in 2024!

As we approach Christmas and the exciting year ahead, we're excited to get back to our pre-Covid activities. This means supporting people, training local youth, and welcoming volunteers who share our passion for making a difference. We'll be back soon with more information about our 2024 goals and the remarkable things we achieved before the pandemic.

In the meantime, we wish you a happy and joyful end to 2023!

Chok dee (Goodluck) from OpenmindProjects,

Family, Students, Alumni, Orrawan, Khai, Mui, Gaweechat and Sven.

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